Bird Friendly Landscaping

There are many ways to create and enhance bird habitat and many scales at which it can be done. An effort can be a simple as hanging a few hummingbird feeders and planting some native nectar-producing plants favored by these beautiful, tiny birds.
You could landscape your yard with a community of plants that provide food and shelter to a community of native bird species or work with your neighbors to make a larger continuum of urban habitat favorable to native birds such as Gambel’s Quail that require a larger area to have small bushes they can hide under if they detect danger. Either way, it is important to assess what your area already has (such as washes or large trees) that is an asset to native birds and build from there. Below are many resources and printable guides to help you.

Resource 1

Resource 1

Resource 2

Resource 2

Resource 3

Resource 3